How to make a new vignette

Get started with the package usethis and the function use_vignette:


To render the vignette to pdf, you’ll need rmarkdown and run from R:

The following function displays packages that are loaded in the R environment.

my_packages <- library()$results[,1]
head(my_packages, 10)
##  [1] "bats"       "abind"      "ade4"       "anicon"     "animation" 
##  [6] "ape"        "askpass"    "assertthat" "backports"  "base"
##   [1] "bats"                 "abind"                "ade4"                
##   [4] "anicon"               "animation"            "ape"                 
##   [7] "askpass"              "assertthat"           "backports"           
##  [10] "base"                 "base64enc"            "base64url"           
##  [13] "BH"                   "bibtex"               "BiocGenerics"        
##  [16] "BiocManager"          "BiocVersion"          "Biostrings"          
##  [19] "bit"                  "bit64"                "bitops"              
##  [22] "blob"                 "blogdown"             "bold"                
##  [25] "bookdown"             "boot"                 "brew"                
##  [28] "brranching"           "callr"                "caTools"             
##  [31] "checkpoint"           "citr"                 "class"               
##  [34] "cli"                  "clipr"                "clisymbols"          
##  [37] "cluster"              "clusterGeneration"    "coda"                
##  [40] "codetools"            "colorspace"           "combinat"            
##  [43] "commonmark"           "compare"              "compiler"            
##  [46] "conditionz"           "covr"                 "crancache"           
##  [49] "cranlike"             "crayon"               "crosstalk"           
##  [52] "crul"                 "curl"                 "data.table"          
##  [55] "datasets"             "datelife"             "DBI"                 
##  [58] "debugme"              "deeptime"             "desc"                
##  [61] "deSolve"              "devtools"             "diffobj"             
##  [64] "digest"               "dplyr"                "drake"               
##  [67] "DT"                   "ellipsis"             "emo"                 
##  [70] "evaluate"             "expm"                 "fansi"               
##  [73] "farver"               "fastmap"              "fastmatch"           
##  [76] "foreach"              "foreign"              "fs"                  
##  [79] "gargle"               "gdata"                "geiger"              
##  [82] "generics"             "geoaxe"               "geoscale"            
##  [85] "ggforce"              "ggnewscale"           "ggplot2"             
##  [88] "ggraph"               "ggrepel"              "ggtree"              
##  [91] "gh"                   "git2r"                "glue"                
##  [94] "gmailr"               "GoogleScholarScrapeR" "gplots"              
##  [97] "graphics"             "graphlayouts"         "grDevices"           
## [100] "grid"                 "gridExtra"            "gtable"              
## [103] "gtools"               "highlight"            "highr"               
## [106] "hms"                  "htmltools"            "htmlwidgets"         
## [109] "httpcode"             "httpuv"               "httr"                
## [112] "hunspell"             "icon"                 "igraph"              
## [115] "ini"                  "ips"                  "IRanges"             
## [118] "IRdisplay"            "IRkernel"             "iterators"           
## [121] "jsonlite"             "kableExtra"           "KernSmooth"          
## [124] "knitcitations"        "knitr"                "koRpus"              
## [127] "koRpus.lang.en"       "labeling"             "later"               
## [130] "latexpdf"             "lattice"              "lazyeval"            
## [133] "leaflet"              "lifecycle"            "lubridate"           
## [136] "magick"               "magrittr"             "maps"                
## [139] "markdown"             "MASS"                 "Matrix"              
## [142] "memoise"              "methods"              "mgcv"                
## [145] "microbenchmark"       "mime"                 "miniUI"              
## [148] "mnormt"               "msa"                  "munsell"             
## [151] "mvtnorm"              "natserv"              "ncbit"               
## [154] "NCmisc"               "nlme"                 "nnet"                
## [157] "numDeriv"             "oai"                  "officer"             
## [160] "openssl"              "paleotree"            "parallel"            
## [163] "parsedate"            "pbdZMQ"               "permute"             
## [166] "phangorn"             "phylobase"            "phyloch"             
## [169] "phylocomr"            "physcraperex"         "phytools"            
## [172] "picante"              "pillar"               "pixmap"              
## [175] "pkgbuild"             "pkgconfig"            "pkgdown"             
## [178] "pkgload"              "plogr"                "plotrix"             
## [181] "plyr"                 "png"                  "polyclip"            
## [184] "praise"               "prettyunits"          "processx"            
## [187] "proftools"            "progress"             "promises"            
## [190] "ps"                   "purrr"                "quadprog"            
## [193] "R.cache"              "R.methodsS3"          "R.oo"                
## [196] "R.utils"              "R6"                   "rappdirs"            
## [199] "raster"               "rcartocolor"          "rcmdcheck"           
## [202] "RColorBrewer"         "Rcpp"                 "RcppArmadillo"       
## [205] "RcppEigen"            "RCurl"                "reader"              
## [208] "readr"                "redoc"                "RefManageR"          
## [211] "rematch"              "rematch2"             "remotes"             
## [214] "rentrez"              "reports"              "repr"                
## [217] "requirements"         "reshape"              "reshape2"            
## [220] "revdepcheck"          "rex"                  "rgbif"               
## [223] "rgeos"                "rhub"                 "rinat"               
## [226] "ritis"                "rlang"                "rmarkdown"           
## [229] "rncl"                 "RNeXML"               "rotl"                
## [232] "roxygen2"             "rpart"                "rphylotastic"        
## [235] "rprojroot"            "rredlist"             "RSQLite"             
## [238] "rstudioapi"           "rticles"              "rvcheck"             
## [241] "rversions"            "rvest"                "S4Vectors"           
## [244] "scales"               "scatterplot3d"        "scholar"             
## [247] "segmented"            "selectr"              "seqinr"              
## [250] "servr"                "sessioninfo"          "shiny"               
## [253] "shinycustomloader"    "shinyjs"              "solrium"             
## [256] "sourcetools"          "sp"                   "spatial"             
## [259] "spelling"             "splines"              "stats"               
## [262] "stats4"               "storr"                "strap"               
## [265] "stringi"              "stringr"              "subplex"             
## [268] "survival"             "sylly"                "sylly.en"            
## [271] "sys"                  "taxize"               "tcltk"               
## [274] "testit"               "testthat"             "tibble"              
## [277] "tidygraph"            "tidyr"                "tidyselect"          
## [280] "tidytree"             "tinytex"              "tools"               
## [283] "treebase"             "treeio"               "triebeard"           
## [286] "tweenr"               "urltools"             "usethis"             
## [289] "utf8"                 "utils"                "uuid"                
## [292] "vctrs"                "vegan"                "viridis"             
## [295] "viridisLite"          "webshot"              "whisker"             
## [298] "whoami"               "wicket"               "WikidataR"           
## [301] "WikipediR"            "wikitaxa"             "withr"               
## [304] "wordcountaddin"       "worrms"               "xaringan"            
## [307] "xaringanthemer"       "xfun"                 "XML"                 
## [310] "xml2"                 "xopen"                "xtable"              
## [313] "XVector"              "yaml"                 "zeallot"             
## [316] "zip"                  "zlibbioc"             "zoo"

To install phyloch we will use the package devtools.


Then we can install phyloch from Github.

Build my R package into a website

We will use an R package called pkgdown for this.

We took the following instructions from

Get started with use_pkgdown. Run it once to configure your package to use pkgdown

Use build_site to update your website:

Now, your website will be built in the docs folder. Make sure that the folder is not in .gitignore. Otherwise, it will not be uplodaded to GitHub and the website will not be available publicly!